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Now Musk is saying if Apple and Google block Twitter on their app stores, presumably for failure to moderate hate speech and for safety, he will just create a new phone.

So it’s going well, right?

It sounds like Twitter really is the later stages of a death-march project. Ex-employees saying it might not survive it's next infrastructure failure. They would say that, wouldn't they? With good reason, I believe.


You just pin your last tweet, Pete,
Request your archive, Clive,
You don’t need a blue tick, Vic,
Just get yourself free.

Hop on the tusk, Gus,
You don’t need to delete much,
Except your DMs, Jen,
And get yourself free.

Use Debirdify, Di,
Provide some alt tags, Mags,
Add a content warning, Tim,
To post sensitively.

Remember to boost, Ruth
You don't need to deny truth,
Just drop off the perch, Dirk,
And get yourself free.
#VerseThurday #TwitterMigration #FediTips

One of the things I keep hearing here, over and over, is that "new" people on this platform shouldn't complain about things they find confusing or that don't meet their needs.

That's exactly wrong. New users, who've not yet adapted themselves to possibly unworkable or inscrutable interfaces and limitations, are often in a unique position to have insights that old hands can no longer see.

Perhaps you're tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. But think about why people make them.

@cvennevik Integration need definition I think. There's the connectivity aspect, the transfer of data, transfer of control, consistent use of data - maybe extend to usability if we look at systems+people. Big subject.

@cvennevik Integration is a misunderstood term for sure. It starts with the second line of code that must integrate with the first. Ends when? I view acceptance testing as testing integration between system(s) and business processes. So it's all pervasive. Martins description is developer focused I think.

I'm working my way through testing terms trying to provide explanations rather than definitions.

Perhaps I should tackle Integration Testing next?

@alex_schl @kristoffer_nordstrom ive been looking at follows/followers of other people an click on them if i know them. Then follow if i want to

I don’t understand why people think Mastodon is difficult. It seems pretty straightforward, and the separate servers are no biggie. I’m enjoying this fresh start here, like moving to a new apartment!

@alex_schl i think you just need to reply to someone and its on their timeline. My guess is it stored on your own service

@secretgeek I read it for the first time in the late 1980s.

What did you get from it? Still useful, relevant?

Mastodon service for Software and Systems Testers

This server host conversations about software and systems testing and assurance.